Title: A Certain Sort of Madness
Author: Nicki Chapelway
Subtitle: Insanity is catching…
Series: Return to Amar 1
Age level: Young Adult
Heat level: No spice
Genre: Fantasy Romance
Triggers: kidnapping, violence
Tropes: imaginary friends to lovers, grumpy/sunshine, heists, deadly games, creepy circuses, finding family, cast of morally questionable characters, we’re all mad here
Link: https://www.amazon.com/Certain-Sort-Madness-Return-Amar-ebook/dp/B07JG8F341
Alice in Wonderland is reimagined in this whimsical duology. This YA portal fantasy follows Alicia, a slightly bonkers mage, her two cousins, her imaginary friend, a circus outcast, an illusionist and his monkey as they embark on an ill-advised heist.