Title: Of Gold and Iron
Subtitle: Follow the Rules…
Author: Nicki Chapelway
Series: Of Dreams and Nightmares 1
Age level: Young Adult
Heat level: No spice
Genre: Fantasy Romance
Season: Autumn Reads
Triggers: violence
Tropes: fae/human romance, enemies to lovers, fae assassins, reluctant allies, doomed soulmates, deadly bargains, binding magic, betrayal and backstabbing, only one prison cell, he calls her “pest”, snarky banter
Link: https://www.amazon.com/Gold-Iron-Dreams-Nightmares-Trilogy-ebook/dp/B08JRZD33T
Jaye struggles to navigate the Otherworlds and find a way to save her brother from the clutches of an evil faerie before his soul is stolen forever. To do this she must trust in an unlikely alliance with Ravven Crowe, a vain and aggravating Solitary Faerie as he seeks to make her the Fair Assassin.