Enchanting Fate, by Ashley Evercott

Enchanting Fate
Ashley Evercott
A Beauty and the Beast retelling
Fairy Tales of Gallia 1
Age level: New Adult
Heat level: No spice
Genre: Fantasy Romance
Triggers: Mentions of child neglect and abuse, Alcohol use, Mild language (bastard, damn, hells), Plucking/Self-harm (character plucks feathers from self), Mentions of parental death, Funeral of parent, Classism
Tropes: Forbidden love, forced proximity, second chance love, slow burn

Marguerite and her family are forced to move into a humble cottage by the woods. There, she discovers forgotten magic and a cursed count. Henri d’Alarie believes Marguerite is chosen to set him free. They have four months to break the curse or else he and all his employees will be cursed forever.

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